วันอังคารที่ 2 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551


แบบทดสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ( ช่วงชั้นที่ 2) โรงเรียนอนุบาลโพธาราม
สังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาราชบุรีเขต 2

ให้นักเรียนกาเครื่องหมาย X ทับตัวอักษรข้อที่ถูกที่สุดเพียงข้อเดียว
1. An egg is in a…………….
a. bag b. cap
c. desk d. hat
2. A fox has………….legs.
a. two b. four
c. six d. eight
3. Please put a…….. in the school bag.
a. broom b. chair
c. map d. ruler
4. Three and five are ……
a. seven b. eight
c. nine d. ten
5. We open the door. We put a key in a ….
a. lock b. sock
c. box d. hut
6. A: Give me the broom , please.
B: ……………. .
a. Thank you b. You’re welcome
c. Here you are d. Here it is.
7. A: Good morning. How are you today?
B: ………………..
a. That’s good. b.You’re welcome.
c. Here you are. d. Fine, thank.

8. A: ……………………….
B: Here it is.
a. Give me a top, please.
b. Show me a top, please.
c. Point to a top, please.
d. Look at a top, please.
9. Put a mat……..the floor.
a. on b. in
c. under d. at
10. Please………..from 1 – 10 .
a. point b. count
c. show d. give

Lucky to you By Mrs.Phayao Tancharoenrat

The Cock and the Jewel

A Cock, scratching for food for himselg and his hens, found a precious stone under straw of barley; "Should to be your owner had found you, and not I" .said the Cock."He would have taken you up, and have set you in thy first estate; but I have found you for no purpose. I would rather have one barleycorn than all the jewels in the world."

The Moral: The ihnorant despise what is precious only because they cannot understand it.

Two pots

A river carried down in its stream two pots, one made of earthenware and the other of brass. The Earthen Pot said to the Brass Pot,

"Pray keep at a distance and do not come near me, for if you touch me ever so slightly, I shall be broken in pieces, and besides, I by no means wish to come near you"

The Moral

Equals make the best friends.
